Monday, May 30, 2011

100% Planted!

We really pushed this weekend and managed to get the rest of the crops planted.  We were behind the eight ball due to the near constant rain, however, the sunshine and clear days of this holiday weekend allowed us to knock-out the remainder.

We had to build most of the squash beds, get them covered in black, bio-degradable mulch, and planted.  This includes our long pumpkin/hubbard squash row.  We also heavily mulched many areas in straw to keep the weeds at bay.

Plantings today included; Moon and Stars watermelon, Paycheck zucchini, acorn squash, yellow summer squash, Rampicante zucchini, Waltham butternut squash, vegetable spaghetti squash, and the above mentioned Amish Pie pumpkin and blue hubbard.  I also, finally added the three concord grapes that have been patiently awaiting and end to the "Days of Noah".

The pie pumpkin seeds were saved from last years crop.


  1. Good for you! I am 2 tomato plants shy of 100% planted....just got to get the Black Cherry tomatoes hardened off.

    We really worked hard this weekend and got things tended. We had to replant our sweet potato crop after deer ate it...and while doing that found a baby deer in the raspberry patch!

  2. I just figured out that I forgot to plant my Hutterite Soup beans. So I'm actually only 99% planted :).
