I'm sorry for the lapse in my posts. I have been side-tracked preparing materials for two ministries projects that I have become involved with, and my free time has suffered a bit.
My wife and I are now leading our church Senior High Youth group. It just started meeting this past Sunday and it's been a wonderful challenge. There has been a lack of good Bible/discipleship training in that group in the past, and we hope to get the group on the right road.
I am also prayfully considering starting a teaching ministry. This ministry would take me to various churches and settings to teach the "whole counsel of God". I am passionate about teaching God's word, and feel an urgency to the Body of Christ. I am seeing a startling rise in Biblical illiteracy in the church, this is a dangerous position as it quickly opens the door to apostasy and more. You only have to look at how the major denominations have traded Biblical truth for political correctness, all in the name of diversity.
Finally, I am going to begin a teaching on the book of Isaiah this fall at Camp Risley. Preparing to teach this book is a huge undertaking, but I love every minute spent in the word.
*****UPDATE on Hope the pig**********
Hope is doing fantastic. She's back at the farm where she was born. We were able to get her weight up over 3 lbs, she is eating grain, and walking all over the place. Trust me when I say that a toddler pig is worse then a human toddler. She got into everything, so we knew it was time for her to rejoin her brothers and sisters.
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