Monday, November 7, 2011

A return to the call

I have to confess that I don't juggle as well as I'd like to think I can. My life has been busy since my last post in August. Throughout the summer I had set this blog, and posting to it as top on my priority list, and was seeing the fruit of my focus. I was pasting frequently on topics I love, seeing growth in followers and readership, yet I in September I stopped...cold turkey.

I not only stopped writing, I stopped reading what others writing. Beyond my on-line homestead, I also stopped working on StonePath. My interest had waned.

Now before you worry that I've given up on the whole notion of organic growing, and microfarming, I stated the facts above because my attention was pulled to God. My relationship to my King has become increasingly stronger and for some reason, I cannot understand, He is allowing me to be used to further His Kingdom. This has been where my attention has been focused.

I intend to write over the next few weeks about the journey of faith I have been on. It has been an incredible, sometimes scary, ride. God is faithful, He is amazing in His purpose and in His sovereignty. I have been blessed to see Him in action these past months.

So today is a renewed posting. I am posting with a different purpose and we'll see where it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. There's no shame in taking a break from blogging to clarify/pursue/prioritize. I take a break whenever I need to work through things in my head...and that's what I've been doing these past few weeks. Working through things. Sometimes you just need that distance for clarity.
