Monday, May 14, 2012

Tidings from StonePath

I've been slow to post because we have been very busy around StonePath. Getting the beds ready to plant, along with a couple projects we've added have left little time for other things.

The garden is about 85% ready to go. This weekend our goal is to have the entire garden planted so all our attention is focused in that direction.

We did manage to get two different zucchini varities in the ground and pole beans. We planted approx 90 runners of beans as you can see from the tripods that are pictured. We plant two heirloom varities; Kentucky Wonder, and Rattlesnake.

The picture also shows our broccoli and beet beds that are progressing very nicely.

 The lettuce bed in the kitchen garden is doing very nicely. While I crave nice neat rows, there is something wonderful about the little imperfections that come when you let your daughter plant a row or two. It kind of reminds me of how God let's us help spread His Kingdom, even though He doesn't need us and we most likely will screw something up.

 Our dragon who has been with us from the beginning is a very good garden guard.
We have somewhere in the range of 120 tomatoes, all started from seed, hardening off. My wife is very good at seed starting and next year we intend to completely plant everything from seed at StonePath.


  1. Glad to have found your blog - I'm really enjoying it!

    1. Thanks for visiting, both the blog and StonePath itself are a labor of love.
