Saturday, July 16, 2011

StonePath gets a new stone path

We purchased the slate needed to complete the path from the driveway to the front gate this past weekend.  Laying out a path sounds like a fairly straight forward proposition, however, it is anything but straight forward.

We have found that creating a path is as much art as labor.  You can't just throw the slate down any old way.  So we usually lay it in a pattern and live with it a few days before making it permanent. The pattern pictured above is the winner thus far and, unless something changes in my wife's mind, I'll set it tomorrow.

We love using stone around our farm (hence the name of the place), it adds a sense of time and permanence.
Our goal is to have slate paths running throughout the entire farm.  Currently, we use straw to layer the paths around the raised beds, but next spring we will install the slate paths. 

Our kitchen garden has always had a water problem that really impacts the growth of the crops.  We plan on raising the beds in stone approx 2' above the current level pictured above.  Our new asparagus bed will get the same treatment.


  1. Picture perfect! The walkway is an excellent addition to your beautiful garden. :)

  2. Thanks for the compliment. It has definitely benn a labor of love (and lots of time) creating our garden.

  3. The rain barrel is a really nice shape...ours is a bit different, but it is wonderful to have it close to your garden :)



  4. We still are getting used to having them. Yesterday, it was nice to have one so close to our new grapes. They were a bit tired from no rain, so a deep drink from the barrel was exactly what they needed.
