Sunday, July 17, 2011

Words of Praise and Worship

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your  ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

This verse has, as of late, become my life verse and my guide. The truth contained in it, and the challenge it presents are enormous and life changing. That simple word "Trust", so often spoken but rarely lived out convicts me every time I read it.

The writer of this proverb had me nailed from the first line.  Not only do I struggle in trusting God, I definitely want to lean on myself. Somehow, I figure that the God of the universe can't help me as well as I can help myself. That's where the trouble begins.

Whether the issue is a sin, an unbridled tongue, fear, worry, or any of the nagging issues that daily beset me, God simply says to trust Him completely, ignore what I think is right, SUBMIT to His will and then He will work the issue out.

I want to be careful and not imply that God will take away hard times, we know from scripture that we are promised to experience trials, persecution, hard times, etc... If, however, we submit and trust fully God promises to make the path straight.  He will help us through the hardship and grow us in the journey.

The forest will still be dark and full of danger, however, the path through it will be straight and guarded by angels, if we only trust.


  1. Submit...the hardest word to accept from Our Lord, but it is exactly what we need. More of HIM and less of us!

    Blessings to your day,


  2. You are 100% on target. It's especially true during difficult times when we think God is furthest from us. If we would just trust and submit, we would find those are the times He is closest.
